Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I finally have the equipment I need to start recording and getting music projects really started. Unfortunately I ran into a snag...with everything. I got an Axiom25 (2nd gen) but something is wrong with the keyboard so I have to get it exchanged. I also have an audio-interface to start getting instruments recorded, but the firewire that came with it is a 6-bit to 6-bit and my mac has a 4-bit firewire port, so I need to get a convertor or a wire. While both these things aren't really much of a problem it is just annoying that I couldn't plug in really play around with anything.

It will be nice to record because it will make starting a band easier and it will help with promotion. It's pretty hard to get heard when you don't have anything recorded...although that isn't quite as apparent when you're focused on playing live shows. That is one of the reasons why my current band got on its feet so quickly, the lead singer already had all the songs written and recorded. We just needed to learn them and then give our own little tweaks. The downside is we don't have the money to re-record the songs so they truly reflect how we sound now. Listening to our recordings it almost sounds like a different band.

Hopefully I can get this stuff up and running quickly...but I have to put it on pause for a trip I leave for in two days (technically tomorrow since it's past midnight). Once I'm back though, it's on.

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